Jumblat: Excluding Parties, Veto Power in Cabinet Have Proved their Failure

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Progressive Socialist Party leader MP Walid Jumblat stressed on Monday the need to form a new government in Lebanon in order to end the suffering of the people who are laboring under economic and social problems.

He said in his weekly editorial in the PSP-affiliated al-Anbaa website: “Veto power in government and excluding parties from cabinet have proved their failures in the past.”

“Excluding any power from cabinet is useless,” he said in reference to some demands within the March 14 camp that Hizbullah not be included in a new government.

“Granting a bloc veto power in cabinet has also proved its ineffectiveness because the concept was created at a time when disputes were ongoing over the Special Tribunal for Lebanon,” added the MP.

Veto power has played out its purpose, remarked Jumblat in reference to the March 8 camp's demand that it be granted such an authority in a new government.

“The concept of excluding others should not be kept out of the government formation process,” he stated.

“Aren't the political powers noticing that the public debt is growing while a serious plan to confront it has not been devised?” wondered the PSP leader.

Lebanese Forces leader Samir Geagea said earlier on Monday that the new cabinet must not include Hizbullah “because the government must not have a party that is deeply involved in the conflict in Syria.”

Hizbullah fighters publicly intervened in the conflict in Syria in April, siding with President Bashar Assad's regime against the mainly Sunni rebels.

The March 8 alliance has meanwhile been demanding that it be granted veto power in cabinet.

Prime Minister-designate Tammam Salam has repeatedly rejected the proposal, saying that such a power will render the government ineffective.

Comments 10
Thumb Bandoul 15 July 2013, 17:41

@the_roar, if you are calling for Jumblat, Aoun, Geagea, Gemayel, and Franjieh to remove themselves from the failed state they created then I am 100% with you. If on the other hand you are selectively choosing Geagea (the only one who served time in prison and possibly learned something) then I disagree with you completely.

Thumb Bandoul 15 July 2013, 20:55

@the_roar, to deny that we are all biased to a certain degree would be dishonest so you caught me, I am guilty as charged if that is important to you. While I have personally suffered at the hands of GMA and it is not something I will forget ever, I realize and accept he is a national hero to others. I have learned to respect that fact after I abandoned the idea that like most Lebanese I belong to one political group working for the demise of the other. I now choose co-existence with those I disagree with as opposed those I previously wanted to disregard. We have no choice but to co-exist and respect each others choices.

Thumb Bandoul 15 July 2013, 21:24

Yes Flame, I mean it. But attempts to justify HA weapons and GMA actions should be steered clear away from me. I reject those arguments shar7an w'faslan however I acknowledge they exist and they have their followers and supporters while on the other hand I have no power to change their minds or their course but through dialogue. Please keep in mind I no longer belong to M14 and I didn't join M8. I just want to express my vision for Lebanon without being labeled a traitor, Zionist, Salafist, Cannibal, KSA lackey or any of the other labels. Starting any conversation with me that begins with "the weapons of the resistance are legitimate" will be received as an insult to my intelligence and ignored. Converse starting any conversation with "Assir only exists because of HA which makes terrorism and shooting at the army by Salafist a legitimate cause" will also be received as an insult and ignored. Mnee7 ma3ak?

Missing helicopter 15 July 2013, 22:06

Bandoul is right in asking ..... after all you explicitly named Gaegae and went on expanding on him. Meanwhile all the others was left implicit and subject to interpretation.
What is your explicit position of HA? I like to hear it form the lion's mouth.

Thumb Bandoul 16 July 2013, 04:27

@Flame, it is so hard to come to terms with you because it is mission impossible. The United States of America is my home country of which I am a proud citizen. Why does saying long live the USA insults you in such a way? Did I not concede that you support my enemy and I respect it? Why must you be this way?

Missing helicopter 15 July 2013, 19:59

You and all of our politicians have also proved your failure. Please move aside and let some new blood take over (new blood does not mean your children)

Missing nuetral 15 July 2013, 20:54

Lebanon needs a new generation of honest people who really love Lebanon and would work
towards the progress of the country.

Thumb Bandoul 15 July 2013, 21:26

darn keyboard....conversely

Missing helicopter 15 July 2013, 22:01

Let us just think over M8 statements and ponder whether the Veto power is still demanded:
1) Amal/HA want all 5 shi3a Ministers (what about other Shi3a?)
2) Aoun wants 5 ministers
3) Amal/HA and Aoun are both still in solidarity regarding agreeing to the Government .... they already announced that the acceptance of each is contingent upon meeting the demand of the other.

In summary nothing has changed, in fact it got worse because now they are asking for a total of 10 ministers out of 24 (this is more than third).
Therefore, Naharnet is not fooling anyone, they are reporting the obvious.

Missing helicopter 15 July 2013, 22:12

Let me try:
Ziad Baroud, Jihad Azour, Charles Rizk, Bassel Flai2han (dead), Pierre Gemayel (dead), Tarek Mitri, ??? Salem, and we had few more good ones that had positive contributions to the country as ministers.