Miqati: Government Stresses it Will Follow up on Consequences of Indictment
إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية
Prime Minister Najib Miqati revealed on Thursday that the new government stresses that it will follow up on the consequences and procedures of the indictment in the Special Tribunal for Lebanon after its release.
He said during a press conference: “The consensus on the need to uncover the truth in the assassination of former Prime Minister Rafik Hariri was affected by the procedures that accompanied the international investigation.”
“We are now facing a new reality in light of the release of the indictment,” he said.
“This requires us to set our unity, civil peace, and need to uncover the truth above all other matters,” he added.
“We should deal with the developments with vigilance seeing as the decisions related to the indictment are not judgments,” the premier stated.
“Every accused is innocent until proven guilty,” Miqati noted.
“The circumstances therefore require us to act reasonably and prevent those seeking to create strife in Lebanon from taking advantage of the situation to achieve their goals,” he stressed.
“The government asserts its loyalty to Hariri through committing to uncovering the truth in order to maintain national principles, starting with Lebanese national unity and coexistence,” he said.
“Given these recent developments, we should pledge to build the state and protect the nation and prove wrong those counting on the indictment to divide the Lebanese,” he stressed.
30 June 2011, 15:26
Miqati: Let us be up to the task of protecting Lebanon as requested by Hariri. Let them prove wrong those counting on the indictment to divide the Lebanese.
30 June 2011, 15:24
Miqati: The government will follow up on the developments following the release of the indictment. Our loyalty to Hariri requires us to uncover the truth and maintain Lebanon’s stability.
30 June 2011, 15:24
Miqati: We should set the country’s peace above all else as the indictments aren’t judgments. The sensitivity of the circumstances call on us to act reasonably to prevent those seeking to create strife from achieving their goals.
30 June 2011, 15:22
Miqati: The consensus was affected by procedures that accompanied the investigation.
30 June 2011, 15:20
Miqati: The state had previously cooperated with the U.N. through the international investigation. The U.N. Security Council then established the STL to achieve justice.
30 June 2011, 15:19
PM Miqati: Six years ago, former Premier Rafik Hariri was assassinated and a catastrophe befell Lebanon and news of his death spread across the globe.

Lebanon stability comes from justice and criminal to bear the consequences of what they did, and not hiding behind arms and sectarian slogan. The assassins and corrupt should be tried, and the trials happen in tribunals, according to the law. Whoever is indicted should be stand trial, and let them defend themselves according to law, like in a civilized society, not hide behind any other nonsense. Otherwise no democratic society can strive.

Mikati is a clever man. In my opinion his true goal is to create a new movance within the sunni community in order to break the strong allegiance of this comunity towards Hariri. He is positionning himself as the strong alternative to Hariri to weaken him, and he does so by trying to contempt the Mustakbal people. Clever indeed, but we won't forget that Mikati is a traitor, an opportunist, and that he has been brought to power by HA! The International comunity won't be fooled either ,in my opinion.

The first, foremost and most urgent consequence is be to issue an arrest warrant against Imbecile Saad Hariri and his Al Mustaqbal, to be tried for collaborating with Israel and the US in fabricating the false witnesses, among other filth they have brought onto Lebanon since Mafioso Rafik, who funded the civil war in Lebanon and was, as a result, a partner in the biggest crime against Lebanon.

The threats to civil peace of which Mikati warns that his government will be vigilent arise from within his government. Who but Hezbollah, that party now charged, will breach civil peace as a consequence of the events of this day.
How do we know that Hezbollah will do this? Because they already have, time and time again when the long arm of the law got close. Now that it has Hezbollah by the neck, you know that they will force Mikati to do their will and to disregard the writ of the Court, in which case, Mikati, if he has any honor will resign himself and his government, or else join Assad and his clan as an international pariah.

What if civil peace and unity contradicted with finding out the truth? Which is probably the case here, also if the indicted men are innocent they should go and participate in the trial so that justice takes it course.

Miqati’s government smells like a rotten fish. The circumstances of its formation and the speediness of its policy statement look eerily similar to when Hizbollah’s kidnapped Israeli soldiers in 2006 when progress was being made on putting Shebaa farm under UN control. This is a conspiracy against Lebanon and a mortal danger to our freedom and democracy. Lebanon is under occupation by a criminal organization and a criminal regime and Miqati has made himself a partner in crime. Better for Miqati to enjoy his 15 min of fame because pretty soon all criminals will be brought to justice and the Silent Majority has no compassion left to those who destroyed our country, decimated our economy, forced the youth to emigrate, and replaced our freedom and liberty with copycat of Syrian and Iranian tyrannies.

Let's say that in order to prevent Hezbollah from going down the the street with its weapons, the Mikati government refrains from executing the arrest warrants issued by the STL in the name of preserving civil peace and avoiding civil strife. Would it?
An Hezbollah-dominated government, one that has ministers from an organization now formally charged with murdering a prominant Sunni politician and leader, refuses to cooperate with the tribunal charged with his murder. What will the Sunni do? Will they remain quiet while the spilling of Sunni blood goes unrequited? No. The Sunni will rise up over the denial of justice by the Shia dominated government and civil peace will not be preserved.
By not acting, the Mikati government runs as great a risk of disturbing civil peace from the Sunnis than if it acts on the indictments and triggers the disturbance of civil peace by Hezbollah.
And worse, the Sunni in Syria which supports this government, will rise up even stronger against it.