Barak Hints of Syria’s Involvement in Hariri Murder

إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية W460

Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak has hinted of Syria’s involvement in ex-Premier Rafik Hariri’s Feb. 2005 assassination, in the first Israeli official statement on the indictment that was issued by the international tribunal in the murder case last week.

"The issue is shaking up Lebanon," Barak said Monday about the arrest warrants issued by the Special Tribunal for Lebanon against four Hizbullah members.

"It is unclear whether the deeper currents behind the investigation will lead across the border, into Syria, into the government circles there,” he said during an Independence Faction meeting at the Knesset on Monday.

"It really shows us who we're dealing with, who are the neighbors that we live amongst," he said.

Given Hizbullah's power in Lebanon, the Israeli defense minister suggested that the Shiite party may take advantage of the turmoil in Syria to gain a foothold in the Damascus government.

Comments 7
Default-user-icon Le Phenicien (Guest) 05 July 2011, 08:07

Maybe Mr Barak can tell us who killed JFK !

Default-user-icon jabal amel (Guest) 05 July 2011, 11:16

no worry Barak, your house will get a rocket too when the apropriate time comes

Default-user-icon Tricolore (Guest) 05 July 2011, 13:54

Even the Israelis have become as desperate as the band of thugs that we have here, aka March 14 and Hariri Mafia & Co., SARL. They should all pack and leave with their tails between their legs. But at least the Israelis got away with the murder of the century thanks to the stupidity of their stooges here at home! Sorry LOSERS. Know how to pick your friends next time, if you get a second chance.

Thumb shab 05 July 2011, 15:51

Iran + Israel + Syria = same shit

Missing peace 05 July 2011, 17:27

tricolore = aoun was the first one to say the same thing!!!!

did he belong to a gang of thugs? shall he pack his tail between his legs? is he a stupid stooge of israel ? is he a loser?

think before you write BS....

Default-user-icon Muhsin (Guest) 05 July 2011, 20:35

Barak: Also, anyone who opposes Israeli rule is responsible for Hariri's murder. You see the natives we live with. They need to be ethnically cleansed.

Missing ramezg 06 July 2011, 00:32

If Israel had nothing to do with the Hariri murder then Israeli leaders would not be sticking their noses in matters that do not concern them. The mere fact that this SOB is making accusations is potential indication that he had something to do with the murder.

This said, I am not saying that Syria or Hizbullah did not play a role in the murder. I don't know who did it, and neither does anyone except for those who plotted the crime and carried it out. But for Barak to say this is a pretty ood indicator that he played a role in it.