Report: Sarkozy, U.S. Officials Warned Hariri About Assassination Plot

إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية W460

Former Premier Saad Hariri does not intend to return to Beirut soon after receiving information from Western leaders about the possibility of being targeted in an assassination plot, sources close to the Mustaqbal movement leader said in remarks published Friday.

The sources said that French President Nicolas Sarkozy and high-ranking U.S. and U.N. officials have warned him about the plot.

Hariri “is following the situation in Lebanon minute by minute and is meeting with all the (March 14) parties in the French capital to coordinate with them the steps that the opposition would take to confront the next stage,” the sources said.

They added that March 14 supporters would have wanted for Hariri to take part at the large-scale meeting that the opposition held at the Bristol Hotel in Beirut on Sunday.

The conferees asked Prime Minister Najib Miqati to announce openly and clearly his commitment to the Special Tribunal for Lebanon before parliament or resign.

Comments 11
Default-user-icon Petifour (Guest) 08 July 2011, 11:48

Those who claim to care for his safety and want to protect him are the ones who would benefit should God forbid Saad is harmed, and so will the now-defunct March 14. "Supposedly 7amiha" is also 7aramiha and moujrimouha. Two issues that they and March 14 are unable, or even worse, refuse to provide any explanation to:
1. Who has and will benefit from all these killings?
2. With so much focus on Syria and Hizballah and with the STL holding the sword over their heads, the real killers must be very, very, very, very well shielded and protected to the point that makes them kill not once, not twice, not three times, but over fourteen (coincidence?) consecutive times, and are capable of continuing to do it. Any doubt who (in our immediate neighborhood or their distant protector) has been getting away with murder, wherever in the world they conduct these murders? I REST MY CASE. Cheikh Saad, and all Lebanese, worry about your "friends" now that you "think" you know who your "enemies" are.

Thumb bashir 08 July 2011, 12:09

You have no case, or at least haven't presented one here in coherent English.

And just because Hezbollah and Pro Syrian politicians have benefitted from the killings and ability to intimidate, one shouldn't jump to the conclusion that they are guilty. Cases should be tried in court, evidence should be public.

Thumb shab 08 July 2011, 12:21

We don't know who did the killings but we know which bunch of ass-wipes that murdered civilian Lebanese in 2008 so to hell with them and their filthy non-Islamic militia

Default-user-icon Le Phenicien (Guest) 08 July 2011, 16:44

The picture shows " intentionally " that Hariri Saad is recieved at the Élysées by the French President Nicolas Sarkozy !!! But it is not true .

As a normal MP , Saad Hariri will not be received at the Élysées anymore .

When a " MAN " decides to go in politic , that means he decides to serve his country ! That also means , that he takes the risk to be exposed to any terrorist attempt or to any assassination tentative ..

Hiding in Paris is not the solution , Saad has other problems that that , he has financial problems in Lebanon and in Saudi and soon all over the world .
He should resign from his mandate as a deputy of Beitut , and as the head of the parliamentary opposition .

Asking them or ordering them " opposition members " to come like sheep to Paris for consultations , staying in 5 stars palaces and dinning in the best and most espensive restaurants of Paris or Monaco , will not solve his problems , nor arrange his come back to the Sérail .

Good bye Saad .

Missing startrip 08 July 2011, 17:50

“Why, your honor…look-who-benefited-from------------------“(insert your favorite conspiracy).

Bogus argument used by those who get caught, since the “beneficiaries” of political assassinations are usually more than one party, including the accused. And when you get caught, it usually means you are in trouble. So, the argument of “why would I do this to myself?” is just stupid. It happens every day. Robbers, murderers, thieves, get caught where they thought they could get away with it.

I agree with the notion that the court will decide. Not Hezbollah (the accused).

Default-user-icon McKinley Era (Guest) 08 July 2011, 19:39

I hope that, the colonial history, Syrian, Palestinian and Israeli interventions, civil war, tremendous number of political assassinations will help Lebanon to build it nation-state dimension and political culture.
Please pay attention when you study the political science of the Middle East. First, the fact is that for the Frenchman fair or not fair is not very important, if he thinks that reason is on his side. Secondly, the English aphorism suggests that “Through experience, one could learn, in the end, to bite off just what one can chew, and no more”.
there was no doubt that the British and the French have been the masters of the Middle East for centures.

Default-user-icon Milad (Guest) 08 July 2011, 21:53

سوف يجعلون من سعد الحريري بطلٌ في المنفى ...يجب أن يكون لنا دوماً ابطالٌ في المنفى

Default-user-icon Ferdinand Capelli (Guest) 08 July 2011, 22:33

يا لهكذا ابطال! المنفى هو حيث هم موجدودن. انما السجن ومن ثمة المقصلة هما حيث يجب أن يكونوا! عملاء، مخبرون، مفسدون وفاسدون، مفبركون، دجالون، يشترون الحقيقة المزيفة ويبيعون دماء الشهداء بسعر بخيس ليشتروا سلطة، وبهذا يقتلون الشهداء ألف مرة

Default-user-icon Milad (Guest) 09 July 2011, 00:58

إن من سيقتله هو الذي يحذره...إحذر يا سعد من هذا القزم المهرج سركوزي .. نحن منحبك عد إلى وطنك وبلا هبل

Default-user-icon Avigdor Liebertando (Guest) 09 July 2011, 04:50

We all know who is laughing now, and they are not in France, hahahahaha

Default-user-icon Richard (Guest) 09 July 2011, 06:36

Cut the crap, every man and his dog know what the truth is.
Their is no doubt as to who killed Harriri and the rest.
The main question is what excuses will the March 8 camp give to justify these killings.
Do not wait for a full scale condemnation of HA after it is proven without a doubt that they and the Syrians are behind everything.
The Lebanese mentality revolves around the fact that he is right and cannot be proven wrong. They take on the personality of the leader they follow, they will chant that they will die for him and defend him even if wrong. The issue of human rights, punishment of crimanal acts and burning the country the ground all come in second to their sick personal image of always being right. I challange one person to change the beliefs of a Aouni. The only way that they will turn is when they themselves reach a conclusion and turn of their own accord. Being right or wrong has nothing to do with it.
This goes for all the Leader worshippers of Lebanon.