
Report: Lebanon Mulls Participation in Syria Peace Talks ahead of Brahimi Visit

Lebanese officials are mulling the country's participation in a peace conference over Syria in accordance with the dissociation policy that the country has adopted since the conflict in the neighboring country erupted in March 2011.

Diplomatic sources told An Nahar newspaper published on Thursday that Lebanese officials will inform U.N.-Arab League special envoy to Syria Lakhdar Brahimi, who is expected to arrive in Beirut on Saturday, that it will not join Geneva ll conference.

The Lebanese division over the matter surfaced as Hizbullah and its allies are calling for Lebanon to join the planned late November talks, while the March 14 coalition and its allies are calling for Lebanon to refrain from attending the peace talks.

The Baabda Declaration was unanimously adopted during a national dialogue session in June 2012. It calls for Lebanon to disassociate itself from regional crises, most notably the one in Syria.

According to An Nahar, President Michel Suleiman and caretaker Prime Minister Najib Miqati will inform Brahimi that Lebanon will refrain from attending the peace talks in accordance with the Baabda Declaration.

Lebanese parties are sharply divided over the crisis in Syria as the March 8 alliance continuously expresses its support to President Bashar Assad, while the March 14 camp voices its support for the popular revolt.

The international envoy is on a regional tour to whip up support for Syria peace talks, which are facing resistance from the opposition.

Brahimi has so far visited several countries including Egypt, Iraq and Jordan. He has said his tour will also take him to Iran, Qatar and Turkey as well as Syria itself.

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