
Ali Eid Reportedly Summoned for Interrogation in Tripoli Blasts Case

Arab Democratic Party leader ex-MP Ali Eid was summoned Wednesday by the Internal Security Forces Intelligence Bureau for interrogation in the case of the deadly twin bombings that targeted two mosques in Tripoli in August, according to media reports.

“The interrogation will tackle the incident of plotting and facilitating the escape of Ahmed Merhi, one of the main suspects in the case of the Tripoli blasts,” LBCI television said.

It noted that the investigation is taking place under the supervision of State Commissioner to the Military Court Judge Saqr Saqr.

Meanwhile, al-Mayadeen television said the Arab Democratic Party "denied receiving any request from the Intelligence Bureau for the interrogation of its leader in the case of the Tripoli blasts."

According to MTV, Eid's personal driver Ahmed Mohammed Ali was arrested on October 26 by Lebanese army intelligence agents on charges of smuggling Merhi into Syria at the request of the pro-Damascus former lawmaker.

“During the interrogation of Ahmed, it turned out that the Alawite leader had provided a hideout for Merhi in the Akkar border town of Heker al-Daheri before he was smuggled into Syria,” MTV said.

Ahmed was later handed over to Judge Saqr, who in his turn referred him to the ISF Intelligence Bureau for further interrogation.

According to information obtained by MTV, interrogators are trying to determine whether Ahmed Mohammed Ali had also assisted other three suspects to flee Lebanon and are probing his potential involvement in Tripoli’s twin attacks.

Ahmed Merhi is reportedly the driver of the second explosive-laden vehicle that blew up near al-Taqwa mosque.

On October 14, seven people involved in the August bombings were charged, including three in custody.

The charges include the formation of an armed gang for the purpose of carrying out terrorist activities and the bombing of al-Taqwa and al-Salam mosques on August 23.

Forty-five people were killed and over 800 wounded in the twin bombings.

The ADP has denied any involvement in the attacks and stressed that the suspects are not members of the party while slamming media leaks attributed to the ISF Intelligence Bureau.

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