Arab Democratic Party politburo chief Rifaat Eid has said he would comply with a subpoena over recent warnings he made against members of the Internal Security Forces Intelligence Branch.
In remarks to As Safir daily published on Monday, Eid said he “will comply” with the search and investigation warrant issued against him and face the court when the circumstances allow him to do so.
“I know that his warrant has been issued under a very huge political pressure. But when the security circumstances are ripe, I will head to Beirut to give the judiciary all the information I have.”
First Military Examining Magistrate Riyad Abu Ghida was handed on Monday the file of charges made against Eid by State Commissioner to the Military Court Judge Saqr Saqr.
He will study them to take the appropriate measures.
Eid's party takes the Jabal Mohsen district of the northern city of Tripoli as its stronghold.
During a news conference last month, Eid said the Information Branch has made the shedding of the blood of the Alawites permissible, therefore it is also allowed to shed their blood.
Lebanese authorities have arrested several members of the pro-Assad Arab Democratic Party on suspicion they were involved in the August bombings of Sunni mosques.
They have summoned the group's leader and Rifaat's father, Ali Eid, for questioning. But he has refused to go to the Intelligence Branch, saying he did not trust it to be impartial.
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