
Berri Proposes 8-8-8 Cabinet Formula along with Political Settlement

Progressive Socialist Party leader MP Walid Jumblat had recently revived talks over the possible formation of a 24-member cabinet that would see each of the political camps obtain eight ministers, reported As Safir on Monday.

He had recently made the proposal to Speaker Nabih Berri who explained that such a cabinet would be formed along with reaching a political settlement and the resolution of various disputes that would appease all sides.

The amended formula would grant eight ministers to each of the March 8, 14, and centrist camps, he told As Safir.

Berri refused to disclose further details about the proposal.

Asked by the daily if it includes a so-called “decisive or key minister” for both of the March 8 and 14 camps, the speaker replied: “My suggestion has nothing to do with this issue.”

“All I can say is that the proposal aims to resolve disputes related to the 8-8-8 lineup,” he added, while not abandoning his support for the 9-9-6 formula that grants the March 8 and 14 camps nine ministers and centrists six.

Moreover, he questioned the March 14 camp's insistence to keep Hizbullah out of a new government, saying: “Its elimination means the elimination of AMAL and therefore the majority of the Shiite sect.”

“Can the camp tolerate the repercussions of such an action?” he asked.

Since his appointment in April, Prime Minister-designate Tammam Salam has faced obstacles in the formation of a new government due to the conditions and counter-conditions being placed by the rival March 8 and 14 camps.

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