
PSP Mulling Stances if FPM Ministers Step Down from Salam's Cabinet

Hizbullah, AMAL movement and the Progressive Socialist Party are mulling the possible means to safeguard the upcoming cabinet whereby any presumed resignation by the Free Patriotic Movement ministers wouldn't turn it into a caretaker government.

According to As Safir newspaper published on Wednesday, the three parties are seeking to guard the upcoming cabinet amid the delicate situation in the country and the region, stressing that if Hizbullah voiced solidarity with any possible resignation by the FPM ministers then the allies wouldn't have to necessarily take the same stance and sacrifice the cabinet.

Sources close to the PSP said that MP Walid Jumblat's ministers might not withdraw if a de-facto cabinet was formed as there is no excuse if an all-embracing cabinet was formed, which includes all parties.

Head of the FPM MP Michel Aoun's insistence to keep the energy portfolio, which is held by Jebran Bassil – his son-in-law – in the resigned government of Premier Najib Miqati has been blamed on the cabinet standstill after the rest of the rival factions struck a deal to give the March 8 and 14 alliances and centrists eight ministers each in a government based on the rotation of portfolios among sects.

However, As Safir gave another scenario to the matter, saying that the resignation of Aoun's ministers from Prime Minister-designate Tammam Salam's cabinet will lead to the solidarity of Hizbullah and AMAL's ministers.

The report pointed out that Jumblat's ministers might consolidate with the March 8 prominent parties and step down as well, which will turn the unborn cabinet into a caretaker one.

Jumblat's Social Affairs Minister Wael Abou Faour met with President Michel Suleiman on Monday and told al-Manar TV that an all-embracing government would be formed -- along with FPM representatives and despite Aoun's disapproval -- if the last-minute mediation efforts fail.

Aoun slammed Salam's endeavors on Tuesday, accusing him of impeding the cabinet formation process by insisting on the rotation of ministerial portfolios.

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