
Geagea: Lebanon’s Position at U.N. Places it Outside of International Community

Lebanese Forces leader Samir Geagea criticized on Thursday Lebanon’s decision to disassociate itself from the United Nations Security Council statement condemning the violence against protests in Syria.

He told Voice of Lebanon radio: “Something must be wrong in Lebanon when 14 out of 15 countries voted in favor of the statement, especially when these countries included Russia, Brazil China, and others of different ideologies.”

“How can it be in Lebanon’s interests to disassociate itself from the statement?” he asked.

“Doesn’t this place Lebanon outside the international fold?” he wondered.

Asked about Lebanon’s ties with Syria, he responded: “The developments at the Security Council have nothing to do with meddling in Syria’s affairs, but they are aimed at putting an end to the crimes against humanity.”

Furthermore, Geagea criticized the government’s failure to arrest any suspects in the attacks against demonstrators that took part in a rally in support of the Syrian people that was held in the Hamra neighborhood of Beirut on Tuesday.

Six people were wounded in the attack.

“We reject the failure to launch an investigation in the matter,” Geagea said.

Despite the attack, he said that he ruled out any deterioration in the security situation in Lebanon, adding however that he is now “wary of the security and judicial authorities over their failure to launch an investigation into the assault.”

“These authorities don’t intervene in any matter that is linked to Syria and Hizbullah,” he noted.

On President Michel Suleiman’s efforts to restart the national dialogue, the LF leader noted: We support dialogue, but our experience during the past four years is not encouraging at all.”

“The other camp is insistent on not discussing Hizbullah’s arms at the dialogue table when this is the only issue left to address,” Geagea stated.

“Therefore, we will be prepared to hold talks when the other camp is ready for it as well. Anything other than that will be a waste of time,” he stressed.

“The President is trying, but I don’t think he will reap any results any time soon,” he remarked.

On Maronite Patriarch Beshara al-Rahi’s efforts to hold a meeting for Maronite leaders, he said: “We support this call, but the problem is that some sides say one thing and then they do the exact opposite.”

“The minimum amount of seriousness is necessary from all parts in order to take part in the dialogue … but I haven’t received word that the meeting will be held soon,” he said.

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