
Jumblat: Unavoidable to Reconcile between Baabda Declaration, Resistance in Policy Statement

Progressive Socialist Party leader MP Walid Jumblat stressed Monday that it is “unavoidable” to reconcile between the Baabda Declaration and the right to resist Israel in the ministerial policy statement, urging an end to futile debates in this regard.

“Lebanon does not need more hot and cold wars and it is unavoidable to reconcile between the various proposals over the Baabda Declaration – which, to remind, was endorsed unanimously – and Lebanon's right to protect its border and resist any possible Israeli aggression,” Jumblat said in his weekly editorial in al-Anbaa online newspaper.

“What is the benefit from engaging in futile debates while the Syrian events are surpassing the entire domestic situation in parallel with the spread of terrorism which does not differentiate between regions, religions and sects?” Jumblat asked.

On Saturday, Hizbullah and President Michel Suleiman were at loggerheads over the president's recent statement concerning the cabinet's policy statement. Suleiman said Friday that the land, people and common values formed the country's “permanent equation,” describing the people-army-resistance equation as “wooden” or outdated.

Hizbullah was quick to hit back at Suleiman, accusing him on Saturday of not being able to differentiate between “what's golden and what's wooden.”

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