There was panic in a town in the northern Akkar district on Thursday after the death of a boy suffering from breathing problems as ten similar cases were recorded, the state-run National News Agency reported.
NNA said Hassan M. died two days ago at a hospital in the region after he had difficulty breathing and a high fever.
Three of the boy's brothers and sisters, who reside in the town of Fnaideq, were hospitalized for having the same symptoms, it said.
Fnaideq municipal chief Khaldoun Taleb said the mysterious illness has also afflicted seven of their cousins who were taken to hospital on Thursday morning.
He told the news agency that the municipality followed up the case since it was informed about the children's health problems, saying the epidemic surveillance unit was informed to take the necessary measures to specify the nature of the illness.
NNA also quoted the district physician, Dr. Hassan Shedid, as saying that the health ministry would carry out the necessary lab tests on the samples taken from the children to identify the cause of the ailment.
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