
'Free Sunnis Brigade' Criticizes Security Plan in Tripoli, Says it Violates Sanctity of Muslim Homes

The so-called Free Sunnis of Baalbek Brigade slammed on Friday the security plan implemented by “the non-Lebanese army” in the northern city of Tripoli, considering that the military raids are violating the sanctity of Muslim homes.

“The army's mice are not being considerate of the sanctity of the Muslim homes and the presence of women in them,” the brigade said via Twitter.

It called on the “Free Sunnis” to end the “charade and the assault by the non-Lebanese army and Hizbullah, which is controlling the army, on the Sunni sect.”

The brigade urged the Committee of Muslim Ulemas to take a stance and “stand against the Iranian project under the pretext of the security plan.”

It considered that the security plan targets the Sunni areas in Lebanon.

On Thursday, the brigade warned that “Hizbullah and Iran” are behind the security plan that the army is poised to implement in Baalbek, vowing to turn in the Bekaa city into “a graveyard for the 'Crusader army' and Hizbullah.”

The security plan was launched in the northern city of Tripoli on Tuesday and it is expected to move to tense areas in the Bekaa and Beirut in the coming days.

Tripoli witnesses frequent gunbattles between two of the impoverished neighborhoods of Bab al-Tabbaneh, which is dominated by Sunnis who support Syrian rebels, and Jabal Mohsen, which is dominated by Alawites, who share the same sect as Syrian President Bashar Assad.

The "Free Sunnis of Baalbek Brigade” has no known ties with any Lebanese or Syrian group. It has claimed that it is an affiliate of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant extremist group, but the ISIL has denied that.

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