
Expired Food, Products Destroyed at Koura Dump

Expired food, alcohol and cleaning products were on Tuesday burned at a dump in the northern district of Koura, the state-run National News Agency reported.

NNA said the food included meat and poultry.

The decision to destroy the expired food and material at the dump of Kfarhazir was taken by the head of the Amyoun court, Judge Emile Azar.

A member of the Bar Association in the North thanked the judge for overseeing the process out of his keenness on the safety of citizens.

“Justice is not just linked to legal issues but is also related to the protection of the human being and the preservation of his safety,” NNA quoted him as saying.

Another lawyer also thanked Azar for trying to limit forgery and corruption to protect consumers.

“Continued monitoring of different consumer products also protects companies against anything that harms their reputation,” he said.



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