
Ongoing Contacts between Geagea, Kataeb to Name Single March 14 Candidate, LF Delegation Soon in Rabieh

Contacts are underway between the Lebanese Forces and the Kataeb party in an attempt to reach consensus over a single March 14 presidential candidate, after several party officials close to Amin Gemayel hinted that the former president might soon announce running for office.

LBCI television reported on Friday that the ongoing contacts between Bikfayya and Maarab are close to reaching consensus over the presidential elections, in an attempt to preserve the March 14 coalition's unity.

LBCI first said that LF MP Sethrida Geagea was tasked with contacting the Kataeb party.

MP Geagea telephoned Gemayel right after the LF leader announced his presidency, asking for an appointment to coordinate in matters related to the presidential vote, according to MTV.

But later, LBCI noted that the party's chief, Samir Geagea and not MP Sethrida Geagea, was the person in contact with Kataeb officials.

Al-Mustaqbal MP Fatfat told al-Arabiya on Friday afternoon that Geagea has introduced "a new approach of political work in Lebanon and a new aspect of democracy by announcing his candidacy."

"This is because the tradition before was having under-the-table negotiations," he commented.

He also remarked that March 14 will reveal its candidate for presidency after Gemayel takes a final decision on his nomination.

"But reports said contacts are underway between LF and Kataeb over this matter and we think that this is a positive sign," the al-Mustaqbal lawmaker expressed.

In a related matter, MTV said that a LF delegation will visit Free Patriotic Movement leader MP Michel Aoun in the coming hours to hand him over Geagea's presidential program, and to discuss the upcoming elections with him.

"We will request an appointment to meet with Hizbullah officials as well but we are not sure they will be responsive. But we are going to do what we have to do," LF sources told MTV.

Kataeb MP Elie Marouni assured on Thursday that Gemayel is a “natural candidate in the presidential race, because the party sees in him a strong and popular president.”

Labor Minister Sejaan Qazzi, who's Gemayel's adviser, announced as well that the Kataeb leader is preparing to declare his candidacy.

"Gemayel is a natural candidate for presidency. He is a de facto nominee and he doesn't need an electoral program," Qazzi told al-Jadeed television.

On Wednesday, Geagea announced a presidential program that focused on “restoring the authority of the state against the proliferation of weapons during a time of regional unrest.”

The LF chief also called for a state monopoly on the use of force, including confronting Israel.

He is the sole politician to have officially announced his candidacy for the polls, which are first scheduled to be held on April 23.

Speaker Nabih Berri called on MPs to meet next Wednesday, although the election is not expected to be an easy process amid a lack of agreement on a consensual candidate.

President Michel Suleiman's six-year tenure ends on May 25.


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