
Al-Rahi Calls for Election of President who Meets People's Aspirations

Maronite Patriarch Beshara al-Rahi hoped that the needed quorum at parliament would be met to elect a new president.

He said during his Easter address: “We hope for the election of a responsible president, who is chosen through the necessary consultations.”

“Lawmakers should exercise the duty, bestowed upon them by the people, to elect a president who is best suited for Lebanon,” he stressed.

“The entire world is watching the parliament and hopes that the MPs will meet the necessary quorum,” the patriarch noted.

“We urge cabinet and parliament to exercise their political duties,” al-Rahi demanded, hoping that the new president will be up to the challenges facing Lebanon.

“The new reality in Lebanon requires officials to organize public life and properly administer state affairs,” he continued.

“The new reality requires the preservation of the state and its people through meeting their needs,” remarked the patriarch.

To that end, al-Rahi demanded that all pending issues be “seriously and comprehensively” resolved through cabinet and parliament.

Speaker Nabih Berri called parliament to convene on April 23 in order to elect a new president.

Any candidate must secure two-thirds of votes to win in the first round of elections, while 65 votes are needed for the second round.

Berri has expressed his skepticism that quorum will be met during Wednesday's session, saying that the conditions for it are “not ripe yet.”

Lebanese Forces leader Samir Geagea is so far the only official to submit his candidacy for the presidential elections.

The March 8 camp has not yet announced its candidate, but recent reports said that it may nominate MP Emile Rahme.



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