
Miqati Tasks Qortbawi with Following up TIME Interview with Hariri Murder Suspect

Premier Najib Miqati has “no comment” on a TIME magazine interview with one of the four suspects named in the international tribunal indictment, his sources told An Nahar daily published Saturday.

But Miqati tasked Justice Minister Shakib Qortbawi with following up the issue in accordance with appropriate legal measures.

Qortbawi called General Prosecutor Saeed Mirza asking him about the allegations of the Hizbullah suspect, said a statement issued by the minister’s office.

Mirza denied that he had any knowledge about the suspects’ whereabouts, it said.

The suspect has said that the Lebanese authorities would have arrested him if they wanted to.

The Special Tribunal for Lebanon indictment alleges the mastermind in ex-Premier Rafik Hariri’s assassination is Mustafa Badreddine. The other suspects are Salim Ayyash, also known as Abu Salim; Assad Sabra; and Hassan Oneissi, who changed his name to Hassan Issa.

"I don't care about the indictments. Let them come to arrest me," the man told TIME in an exclusive interview, which he gave on condition of anonymity despite having been publicly named by the STL among the four suspects.

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