
Abou Faour Denies PSP Not at Ease with FPM-Mustaqbal Rapprochement

Health Minister Wael Abou Faour has denied that the Progressive Socialist Party was not comfortable with the rapprochement between Free Patriotic Movement leader Michel Aoun and al-Mustaqbal movement chief ex-PM Saad Hariri.

“We don't have any problem with the rapprochement between Aoun and Hariri. This issue is absolutely not linked to us,” the minister told As Safir newspaper published on Wednesday.

“The choice of rapprochement between the political parties is a priority for us. We have sought for it and paid a high price because of it,” said Abou Faour who is a member of MP Walid Jumblat's PSP.

But the dialogue between the FPM and al-Mustaqbal should be coupled with talks between Speaker Nabih Berri, Hizbullah and Hariri's movement so that it becomes beneficial for the country, he said.

“Direct dialogue between the Shiite parties – Amal and Hizbullah – and al-Mustaqbal is essential because the division is among Sunnis and Shiites,” Abou Faour added.

The minister told As Safir that the PSP's priority was to elect a new president after the top Christian post at Baabda Palace was vacated following the end of Michel Suleiman's six-year term on May 25.

“But as long as the page on the four major candidates hasn't been turned, there is no way to agree on a compromise” figure, he said.

Abou Faour said that only “technical reasons” have prevented a meeting between Jumblat and Hariri lately.

The PSP and Hariri “have always had friendly ties despite our differences,” he added.



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