
Lebanese Border Towns to Escalate Demos in Support of Syrian People

The Lebanese towns and villages in the Bekaa and the North abutting the Syrian border have decided to escalate demonstrations in support of the Syrian people during the last days of Ramadan, the pan-Arab daily Asharq al- reported on Tuesday.

Islamic sources told the newspaper that the clergymen, Imam’s of the mosques and Islamic associations “agreed on triggering daily night protests after al-Taraweeh prayers in all the regions of Tripoli, and in a number of towns in Akkar.”

“This regime (in Syria) doesn’t care anymore about what the TV channels are broadcasting from murder to torture and humiliation of the demonstrators’ dignities,” the sources said.

They added: “Every Muslim should participate in the protests… and release a call to save the bloodshed in Syria, and to trigger the conscience of some Arab and Islamic regimes, urging them to take firm and strict stances against the ongoing assaults on the Syrian people.”

Bekaa Mufti Sheikh Khalil al-Meis declared his blessing to “the movements that support the Syrian people uprising.”

He told Asharq al-Awsat “it’s our duty to support our brothers in Syria, who are paying the price for demanding freedom and dignity.”

Sheikh al-Meis said that “this (Syrian) regime will not be able to endure this great people that will achieve its goals, and have the right to live in security, dignity and freedom.”

“We are not surprised by the criminal practices used by the regime against the Syrian people, if he (Syrian President Bashar Assad) was concerned about his people and citizens he wouldn’t have used the rifles against their words and tanks against their shouts,” he stressed.

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