
Raad: STL Indictment is Fake, Resistance Will Defend Itself Appropriately

The head of the Loyalty to the Resistance bloc MP Mohammed Raad slammed on Tuesday the indictment in the Special Tribunal for Lebanon as “fake”, accusing the investigation of being politicized in order to target the Resistance.

He said in a press conference to refute the indictment: “The Resistance will determine the way it will defend itself from the indictment and tribunal.”

He added: “We had stated in the past that this tribunal does not respect the minimum amount of standards of justice, it does not want to achieve the Lebanese people’s interests, and it has adopted circumstantial evidence.”

“Such a tribunal cannot be expected to achieve justice and we would not be surprised if it was employed for the interests of imposing foreign hegemony over Lebanon,” the MP continued.

“The tribunal’s shortcomings in adopting international standards bolsters our assessment that it is aimed at wrongfully accusing noble resistance fighters,” Raad stressed.

The indictment has accused four Hizbullah members of being involved in the assassination of former Prime Minister Rafik Hariri.

“The indictment is a political decision dictated by American and Israeli interests,” Raad continued.

“Those behind the incitement are delusional in thinking that they can tighten the noose around the Resistance and blackmail it,” he added.

Lebanon is being forced to choose between strife and between subjecting Lebanon to American and Israeli hegemony, the MP noted.

“The indictment revealed that STL Prosecutor Judge Daniel Bellemare is part of a political investigation based on fabrications aimed at reaching a political decision,” he said.

The indictment’s terminology demonstrates that the investigation team and the international tribunal are aimed at seeking revenge from the Resistance, Raad stressed.

“The indictment was weak and it justified this by saying that it has not revealed all of its findings,” he stated.

The indictment lacked any direct evidence, he continued.

“The Lebanese have unanimously agreed on reaching the truth and justice, but the STL cannot achieve them,” the MP remarked.

“A legal investigation should take into consideration any lead and the evidence we had presented in the past demonstrated that Israel was involved in Hariri’s investigation,” he added.

“The evidence was enough for Bellemare to launch an investigation in Israel’s involvement in the crime, but he didn’t because the investigation is politicized,” he said.

“We are now confronted with a politicized indictment, which was published by an untrusted side,” he added.

“It chooses the timing to release it based on political factors in an attempt to destroy the Resistance,” he continued.

“The Resistance will not accept the blackmail and it will not succumb to the will of its enemies and its perseverance and national resolve will thwart the goals of all the conspirators,” Raad declared.

“The Resistance will determine the way it wants to defend itself and its experience has demonstrated that it can properly deal with the traps being set up by its enemies,” he concluded.

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