Russian Ambassador to Lebanon Alexander Zasypkin warned of the threat of Islamist extremists on Lebanon given its spread in Iraq and Syria, reported As Safir newspaper on Saturday.
He told the daily: “Lebanon has turned into a front to confront the Islamic State group, but it is not directly connected to the situation in Iraq and Syria.”
“There should be international political, security, and financial mobilization to help Lebanon confront the threat,” he urged.
Moreover, the ambassador rejected claims that Hizbullah's involvement in Syria contributed to the spread of extremism to Lebanon.
“Recent developments have proven that the extremists' plan to establish caliphates will go ahead irrespective of the actions of some powers,” explained Zasypkin.
Islamist groups began to emerge in the region in light of the eruption of the conflict in Syria in March 2011.
Groups such as the Nusra Front and Islamic State have started to gain ground in the fighting in Syria and Iraq, while the United States has listed them as terrorist organizations.
In August, the Lebanese army waged battles in the northeastern town of Arsal with Islamists affiliated with these two groups after the arrest of a member of the Nusra Front.
The gunmen withdrew from the town after the five-day clashes, but abducted a number of soldiers and policemen in the process.
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