
Amal Confirms that STL Funding is Still Point of Contention with PSP

Amal movement minister Ali Hassan Khalil has unveiled that the funding of the Special Tribunal for Lebanon remains a point of contention with Progressive Socialist Party leader Walid Jumblat.

He confirmed reports that Amal and Hizbullah haven’t been able to reach an understanding with Jumblat on the funding of the court.

However, the health minister said the controversy on the payment of Lebanon’s 49 percent share to the STL will not topple the government.

Although he didn’t say what Amal’s movement stance was from the funding, he blamed Miqati for speeding up the discussion of the issue which should have been dealt with at the cabinet to reach a unified stance.

Discussions held away from the media spotlight between Amal, Hizbullah and the PSP haven’t reached any result yet on the concept of funding of the tribunal, al-Liwaa daily said.

This complicated Miqati’s attempt to clinch a deal on the funding mechanism ahead of his travel to New York, it added.

Media reports had said that the premier’s office would most likely transfer the funds to the foreign ministry, which in turn would pay the $32 million owed this month.

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