
Judiciary Indicts Ethiopian Maid in Celine Rakan's Murder

First Examining Magistrate Judge Ghassan Owaidat issued on Thursday an indictment in the death of four-year-old Celine Rakan, accusing the Ethiopian maid of killing her.

Last month, an arrest warrant was issued against the domestic worker.

Celine's father had initially blamed an “expired vaccine” for her death.

But he later appeared in several TV shows and presented footage taken from his house's security cameras in a bid to prove that Celine was killed by the maid.

The shocking videos and perceived contradictions in the father's remarks prompted many journalists and citizens to take to social networking websites to question the authenticity of the footage and the man's honesty.

The controversy around the case prompted Justice Minister Ashraf Rifi to order an expansion of the probe and urged media outlets not to make speculations before the release of the probe's results.



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