
Orient Patriarchs Call for 'Halting Support' of Terror Groups in Syria

The Christian patriarchs of the Orient on Tuesday urged the international community and humanitarian organizations to offer aid to the refugees in Lebanon, Syria and Iraq, as they called for ending all support to terrorist organizations.

“The fathers expressed grief over the martyrdom of eight more Lebanese Army soldiers as they were performing the duty of defending the border in the face of the terrorist groups,” said a statement issued after a meeting in Bkirki for the Council of Patriarchs of the Orient.

“We reiterate support for the Lebanese army and call on everyone to stand by it, provide it with the full political cover and supply it with the necessary weapons,” the statement added.

It was referring to fierce weekend clashes between the army and Syria-based jihadist militants in the outskirts of the Bekaa border town of Ras Baalbek. Eight troops were killed and over 20 wounded in the fighting.

Addressing Lebanon's presidential crisis, the patriarchs called on the political and parliamentary blocs to “shoulder their responsibilities and elect a president,” hoping the ongoing dialogue among some political forces “will lead to resolving this crisis, in cooperation with the friendly countries.”

Turning to the regional conflicts, the conferees thanked all the organizations that have offered aid to “the refugees who are living in dire conditions.”

“We call for providing the needed aid for the refugees and helping them to return to their land and reconstruct their homes. We urge the liberation of the captive civilians and clergymen and an end to the war and to the financing and arming of terrorist groups,” the patriarchs said.

Commenting on the situations of Christians in the Middle East, the Christian leaders added: “Our youths are finding no other choice but to emigrate, and even if the churches double their services, they won't manage to resolve these crises.”

They also called on the followers of Levantine churches to “unite their stances and work with all those who have good intentions, in order to halt wars and acts of terror and revive just and comprehensive peace in this suffering region of the world.”



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