
Change and Reform Calls for Cooperation with Syrian Army to Win Border Battles

The Change and Reform bloc urged the army on Tuesday to finish its battle with extremist groups along the eastern border, saying it should bolster its positions and put an end to the infiltrations of terrorists.

Former Minister Salim Jreissati said at the end of the bloc's weekly meeting: “We call for cooperation between the Lebanese and Syrian armies to achieve this goal.”

“The army should not just request political cover, but it should finish the border battles,” he declared.

Moreover, Jreissati said that the army is still awaiting weapons shipments from foreign countries that will enable it to properly confront terrorists.

“It should request arms from whichever side is willing to offer it,” he added.

Commenting on the death of Saudi King Abdullah last week, Jreissati stated: “The bloc hopes that the kingdom will continue to unite the Arab world, starting with confronting Israeli and extremist terrorism.”

Eight soldiers were killed and 20 wounded in clashes with terrorists in the Tallet al-Hamra region in Ras Baalbek on Friday.

The army on Tuesday continued to shell militant posts and movements on the outskirts of Ras Baalbek

The mountainous area has long been a smuggling haven, with multiple routes into Syria that have been used since the conflict began in March 2011 to transport weapons and fighters.

Syria's civil war has regularly spilled into Lebanon, with jihadists briefly overrunning the northeastern town of Arsal in August after gun battles with the army.

The jihadists withdrew after a ceasefire, but took with them several dozen hostages from the Lebanese army and police, four of whom have since been executed.



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