
Theft, Drugs Motives behind Bakhoun Deadly Knife Attack

A young man who killed a 66-year-old lady last week committed his crime with the aim of robbing her money and purchasing drugs, the Internal Security Forces announced on Thursday.

Two other women were wounded in the knife attack in the northern town of Bakhoun in the Dinnniyeh district.

“A masked man entered Mohammed Bou Amr's house, where his wife Badriyeh Hussein Hussein lives with her minor children,” the ISF said in a statement.

The attacker stabbed Badriyeh and her mother, 66-year-old Fatima Ali al-Hajj, who was visiting the family.

“The mother died on the spot as Badriyeh was rushed to hospital for treatment,” the ISF added.

Following intensive investigations, the Tripoli judicial police department managed to collect information about the suspected killer and to arrest him, the statement said.

It identified him as 21-year-old A. B., saying he “confessed to committing the crime with the aim of stealing a sum of money in order to buy drugs.”

The ISF also arrested the man's uncle M. Sh. on charges of “providing him with the narcotic material” and “incitement to theft.”

It said both men were drug addicts.

“The knife and mask used in the crime were seized at a field near the suspect's home,” the ISF added.


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