
13 Meat Shops Shut Down and Sealed With Red Wax in Sabra

The health ministry Thursday shut down 13 meat shops in Sabra in the ongoing food safety campaign.

In an official statement, the health ministry announced that “a group of inspectors raided meat shops and warehouses in Beirut's Sabra area.”

Violations were discovered at several firms.

“The meat samples that were tested did not meet the food safety standards,” the statement added.

Based on that, the inspectors – backed by the Tariq al-Jedideh police department -- shut down 13 meat shops and “sealed them with red wax.”

The ministry also revealed that its inspectors “will continue checking the situations at other companies later tonight.”

On Tuesday, the Internal Security Forces announced the arrest of three suspects in Beirut's Tariq al-Jedideh neighborhood for selling spoiled food to restaurants.

It said in a statement that a man and his two sons were storing spoiled chicken at their residence and later selling them to restaurants.

Security forces raided their home and seized 250 kgs of chicken and two vehicles that were used to distribute the product.



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