
Ibrahim Stresses Need to Control Lebanon's Borders to Confront Terrorist Threat

General Security chief Abbas Ibrahim highlighted on Wednesday the threat of terrorism in the region, saying that this matter “should not be treated as a secondary issue.”

He told the General Security magazine: “The army and security forces should be properly armed because spending on defense and border safety is an issue that must not be postponed.”

“Terrorism should be confronted through paralyzing its ability to cross borders,” he explained.

“What is causing the delay in devising an official strategy to confront terrorism?” wondered Ibrahim.

He also emphasized the importance of placing a strategy to confront Israel.

Furthermore, the general security chief spoke of schemes aimed at dividing the Arab world.

“Such plots are beginning to threaten the heart of the Lebanese entity,” he remarked to the magazine.

“Are we aware of this danger? Will we succeed in uniting our ranks?” he asked.

“Have we started a serious and deep dialogue based on the principle that this danger jeopardizes us all without exception?” Ibrahim continued.

The army has waged a series of clashes against terrorists seeking to infiltrate Lebanon from Syria.

A number of rounds of fighting erupted at various border regions, most notably in Arsal and, more recently, Ras Baalbek.

Eight soldiers were killed in unrest that erupted in Ras Baalbek about two weeks ago when terrorists attacked a military post in the area.

The army is still shelling positions of gunmen hidden in the outskirts of the area.



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