General Security chief Abbas Ibrahim said that no political factions have opposed the implementation of the government-approved security plan in the eastern Bekaa region.
He told the General Security magazine in its latest issue: “No region in Lebanon is impenetrable against the entry of the state's security forces.”
“There can be no going back against the decision of the implementation of the security plan,” he added.
“It will be executed in full in order to impose legitimacy on all Lebanese territories without exception,” Ibrahim said.
The army kicked off in February a security plan in the eastern Bekaa region, which has resulted in the arrest of over 150 suspects wanted on various charges, such as terrorism, shooting, and drug offenses.
Ibrahim added however that several suspects are still at large, “but they are being pursued and they will eventually be arrested.”
He hailed the servicemen who have “carried out their duties in spite of the snowy weather conditions earlier in February.”
Moreover, he said that officials “are firm in their stand of supporting the military and security forces in completing the implementation of the security plan.”
“We have not faced any opposition against our measures on the ground,” he stressed to the magazine in its latest issue that will be published on Thursday.
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