
Jumblat to New Party Members: Open Up to Everyone, No Discrimination

Progressive Socialist Party Leader MP Walid Jumblat said on Sunday that "a general assembly shall be held towards the end of the current month, where clear political words will be uttered regarding the past, the present and the future positions of the Party; in addition to organizational issues."

During a swearing in ceremony of new PSP members in Shwaifat, Jumblat said that "the party achieved transition from the former organizational structure to a new one."

Jumblatt congratulated the Arab on its women, especially Tawakkul Karman who won the Nobel Peace Prize.

Tawakkul Karman is a 32-year-old Yemeni activist and journalist who has braved several stints in prison in her struggle for women's rights, press freedom and the release of political prisoners in Yemen.

She is the first Arab woman to the win the Peace Prize.

Al-Mustaqbal Newspaper on Sunday had reported that the PSP leader was expected to make “critical stances” during the swearing in ceremony.

Sources to the daily added that Jumblat will seek to clarify his stance from the funding of the Special Tribunal for Lebanon that is set to try ex-Premier Rafik Hariri’s suspected assassins.

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