
Geagea Says 'Major Progress' in Dialogue with FPM, Rejects President Who 'Contradicts' with His Choices

Lebanese Forces leader Samir Geagea revealed Wednesday that “major progress” has been made regarding the so-called declaration of intent paper that would pave the way for full-throttle dialogue with the Free Patriotic Movement, without setting a date for its release.

“The person who can resolve the presidential deadlock is (FPM chief) General (Michel) Aoun. He is the only one who can change the picture and he must take a decision and end the obstruction of elections,” said Geagea in an interview on MTV.

“The starting point for dialogue with Aoun must be the decision to stop obstruction,” he added.

“Claims that I'm obstructing and taking part in impeding the elections are unjust accusations and the only solution is to head to parliament and elect a president,” he went on to say.

The LF leader declared that “major progress was made today regarding the declaration of intent paper,” describing the sought document as “an agreement on the big picture,” not on details.

However, he criticized remarks voiced by Aoun in an interview with al-Akhbar newspaper.

“I cannot accept Aoun's remarks that (U.N. Security Council) Resolution 1559 is suspicious and that a strong party is one that fights outside its society. Dialogue is needed because we come from different backgrounds,” he said.

As for the draft paper of agreement, Geagea noted that he has introduced amendments to “16 out of 17 points in the paper.”

“The General's feedback was acceptable. He will submit some remarks before resending the paper to me,” he said.

“We totally intend to move forward in dialogue and the General is also contributing to the positivity and we must not forget all the changes that are happening in the region.”

Asked about the much-anticipated meeting between him and Aoun, Geagea pointed out that “the issue needs some time.”

“We're still in the phase of exchanging views and I discussed with the General the idea of a finding a third candidate but he was against such a move,” he revealed.

He also noted that a so-called “strong president” does not necessarily have to enjoy “strong popular representation.”

On the possibility that he might alter his political principles to reach an agreement with Aoun, Geagea said: “I'm not free to make a choice that contradicts with everything I did throughout 30 years and that would be a major scandal.”

“I cannot accept a president who would contradict with everything that I have fought for,” he underlined.

Geagea lamented that “there is a clear Iranian decision to obstruct the presidential vote.”

“It will change it in one case -- if it can secure the election of a president who can reassure it,” the LF leader added, referring to Tehran.

“Iran believes that there is a single battle, from Sanaa to Beirut, and this Iranian escalation in the region has started to affect us and they're saying that they're leaning towards General Aoun,” he noted.

Turning to the political situation in Lebanon, Geagea said “some independents are somehow blocking March 8's project but this project is ruling the country today.”

“Hizbullah is fighting in Syria while March 14's project is fighting for the state,” he noted.

Asked about situation in the March 14 coalition, Geagea emphasized that Lebanon “can only find salvation through March 14's project.”

Commenting on criticism of March 14's performance in recent years, the LF leader said “all March 14 parties exerted their utmost efforts for the sake of the state.”

“But some are forgetting that we witnessed 20 assassinations and the May 7, 2008 incidents, which cannot be justified,” he pointed out.

He also stressed that March 14's project is “still clearly present more than ever.”


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