The General Labor Confederation is set to hold a series of meetings with top Lebanese officials starting Monday in an attempt to introduce changes to a government decision on a salary boost.
GLC chief Ghassan Ghosn told As Safir daily on Saturday that a delegation headed by him will hold talks with Labor Minister Marwan Charbel and later on with Economy Minister Nicolas Nahhas.
He also hoped for talks with Premier Najib Miqati.
The cabinet on Tuesday increased the minimum wage to LL700,000 from LL500,000. It also raised by LL200,000 the wages of workers earning less than LL1 million and by LL300,000 those earning between LL1 million and LL1.8 million.
The ceiling set for those entitled to the wage hikes angered labor unions which also called for increases for workers earning more than LL1.8 million.
The salary boost also drew condemnation from the private sector which expressed fears that companies will have to lay off workers or shut down.
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