Former Prime Minister Saad Hariri noted on Thursday that the death of former Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi marked the end of a dark period in the Libyan people’s lives and the beginning of a new phase of freedom and democracy.
He said in a statement: “Gadhafi’s fate is the inevitable end of all dictators who reject their people’s will for freedom and democracy.”
“His death paves the way for justice and the rule of law in Libya that focuses on meeting the people’s expectations,” he added.
“His death is also a clear lesson to regimes that have adopted oppression in ruling the people,” Hariri continued.
“Lebanon, which has long been a pioneer of freedom and democracy, stands by all who confront oppression, especially in Syria, despite the positions of the government whom the will of the people is capable of overthrowing as the Libyan people have demonstrated today,” he said.
“The Syrians are another Arab people who deserve freedom and democracy after decades of oppression,” the former premier stated.
“We hope they will be victorious in their quest against the Syrian regime and praise the sacrifices of the Libyan people to rid their country of the Gadhafi regime,” Hariri stressed.
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