
Raad from Russia: Resistance is Not Deluded in Believing it Can Rule a Country by Itself

The head of the Loyalty to the Resistance bloc MP Mohammed Raad stated on Friday that the Resistance is keen on finding solutions to disputes in Lebanon through national dialogue, which it believes is the only way to end the current political divide in the country.

He said during a seminar from Moscow: “The Resistance is not deluded in believing that it can singlehandedly rule a country, even if it was in a position of power.”

“It can only be a partner with other Lebanese with whom is exchanges different views,” he added.

“Seeing as the Resistance in Lebanon is an expression of the Lebanese people’s will for liberation, it cannot but assume the national responsibility of maintaining civil peace, stability, and the achievements of the liberation,” he said.

“The Resistance gains its legitimacy through the support of the majority of the Lebanese people … and its arms have been dedicated to confronting Israel,” Raad continued.

“Targeting these weapons is done at an Israeli request,” the MP added.

“Israel is a constant threat to Lebanon, its security, stability, and natural resources,” he noted.

“The Resistance should therefore remain in constant readiness to thwart any Israeli threats,” he said.

“Israel will also fail in destroying the Resistance through the joke that is the politicized Special Tribunal for Lebanon that it being used to eliminate the truth and justice and create strife among the Lebanese,” Raad stressed.

“We have repeatedly presented before the media the STL’s violations since its formation through unconstitutional means … and we wouldn’t be surprised if it was employed to impose international hegemony over Lebanon,” he remarked.

Addressing the developments in Syria, he stated: “The United States is pressuring Syria in order to punish it for its opposition to Israel and support of the Resistance.”

“The United States is not pressuring Syria to implement reform, but it wants to change the balance of power in the region to compensate for the vacuum created by its withdrawal from Iraq and fall of the rule of former Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak,” the MP said.

“Reform in any country can only be implemented through the hands of its people as foreign meddling kills actual reform and resorting to arms will lure Syria into the hands of foreign powers,” noted the Hizbullah official.

“The solution to the situation in Syria can only be Syrian, between the regime and the national peaceful opposition,” he stressed.

A Hizbullah delegation comprised of Raad, MP Hassan Fadlallah and Nawwar al-Sahili, arrived in Moscow on Wednesday in the first official visit to the Russian capital.

The delegation will discuss with Russian officials bilateral relations, issues of common interest and the developing situation in the region.

Raad said the visit aimed to show "the intention to deepen the prospects of cooperation and coordination between Russia and Lebanon."

The group on Wednesday met Konstantin Kosachyov, the head of the Russian parliament's lower house's international affairs committee.

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