
Proposed Recommendations of the 8th Retreat of Lady of the Mountain Gathering

The participants in the eighth retreat of the Lady of the Mountain Gathering discussed Sunday a number of proposed, preliminary recommendations, ahead of a press conference on October 27 during which the final text would be announced.

The conferees also discussed a document titled “The Role of Christians in the Arab Spring”, during a conference held at the Regency Palace Hotel in Adma.

Among the top recommendations were:

“- Organizing dialogue meetings in all regions about the document’s content and the role of the Christians in the Arab Spring.

- Communication with the Lebanese diaspora and activating its role in the countries of residence, in support of the Arab Spring choices.

- Contributing to the organization of a national conference about Lebanon’s role in the Arab Spring.

- Communication with all the Arab democratic forces that are part of the Arab Spring in order to cooperate in defining the foundations for the rise of a democratic, pluralistic Arab world.

- Contributing to the establishment of a studies and research center on the culture of the Arab Spring, a culture of living together in a free, democratic and civil state.”

The conferees also agreed to form a committee tasked with following up the practical steps that will be endorsed.

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