
Ibrahim Returns from Qatar: Framework of Exchange to Release Arsal Captives Approved

General Security chief Abbas Ibrahim returned over the weekend from a trip to Doha where he discussed with Qatari officials the finishing touches of a deal to release the servicemen abducted by jihadists in 2014, reported As Safir on Monday.

He told the daily that the “general framework of an exchange deal” was reached.

The deal will ensure the release of 16 hostages held by the al-Qaida-affiliated al-Nusra Front.

Ibrahim denied to As Safir media reports that spoke of money being paid to the captors, saying that such claims are “just speculation.”

Commenting on al-Nusra Emir Abou Malek al-Talli's recent demand for the release of three servicemen in exchange for three female Roumieh Prison inmates, the General Security chief replied: “Lebanon has from the start rejected carrying out the release of the hostages in installments.”

“With the help of Qatari officials, we agreed that a deal over the servicemen would take place in one step,” he added.

As Safir revealed that soon after Ibrahim's visit, Qatari officials traveled to the Turkish capital Ankara to place the remaining details of the prisoner swap.

A number of servicemen were kidnapped by al-Nusra Front and Islamic State group in the wake of clashes in the northeastern border town of Arsal in August 2014.

A few have since been released, four were executed, while the rest remain held.

Over the weekend, the relatives of the remaining hostages were allowed to visit their loved ones.

They said that the captives are in good health and accused the state of neglecting their case, nearly a year since their kidnapping.

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