
Derbas Calls for Seizing Opportunity of Nusra's Pullout from Area Near Turkey Border

Social Affairs Minister Rashid Derbas has said that Lebanon should benefit from a decision by al-Qaida-linked al-Nusra Front in Syria to withdraw from areas along the border with Turkey.

The move by al-Nusra Front came two weeks after Turkey began carrying out airstrikes against Islamic State group targets in Syria. Turkey also agreed to allow U.S. warplanes to use the strategic Incirlik Air Base for operations against IS in Syria.

The two countries have agreed on the outlines of a plan to create an IS-free zone along the border.

Al-Nusra Front said its decision was being taken to avoid cooperating with the U.S.-Turkish plan to create the zone.

Derbas told An Nahar daily published on Tuesday that Lebanon should negotiate with Turkey and the U.S. so that hundreds of thousands of Syrian refugees return to these areas.

He said the Lebanese authorities should seize the opportunity of al-Nusra Front's pullout, which would give huge benefits to Lebanon.

Lebanon is hosting around 1.5 million Syrian refugees.



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