
Aoun on Planned Protests: You Will Get Surprised

Free Patriotic Movement leader MP Michel Aoun has stayed mum on planned street protests against the extension of high-ranking military officers but stressed that he will "surprise" the people on his next step.

“You will see at the appropriate time and you will get surprised,” al-Joumhouria daily on Tuesday quoted Aoun as saying.

Aoun, who heads the Change and Reform parliamentary bloc, made his statement when asked by several people what his next steps are, said the newspaper.

The FPM leader called Saturday on his supporters to get ready to stage demonstrations against the military extensions, after Defense Minister Samir Moqbel decided to extend the terms of the army commander, the chief of staff and the head of the Higher Defense Council.

The FPM has been campaigning against the extensions, calling for the appointment of new officials instead.

Aoun wants his son-in-law Brig. Gen. Chamel Roukoz, who is the Commando Regiment chief, to become army commander.

Change and Reform sources told al-Mustaqbal daily that street protests could be culminated with civil disobedience if a deal that Aoun is seeking for is not reached.

“Aoun is still waiting for the results of contacts on the amendment of the defense law,” they said.

The amendment was proposed by General Security chief Maj. Gen. Abbas Ibrahim, who is seeking to clinch the deal to appease Aoun and avoid a growing political crisis.

The law's amendment would raise the retirement age of the top military and security brass, thus keeping Roukoz in his post and giving him a chance to become a candidate for the army leadership.



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