
Mashnouq on FPM Protests: Any Democratic Action is Acceptable as Long as it Remains Peaceful

Interior Minister Nouhad al-Mashnouq stressed that demonstrations and other forms of democratic expression are a right reserved by the constitution, reported As Safir newspaper on Wednesday in anticipation of scheduled protests by the supporters of the Free Patriotic Movement later in the day.

The minister told the daily: “Any lawful democratic action is allowed as long as it does not cause any problem or security unrest.”

FPM chief MP Michel Aoun announced on Tuesday that his supporters will be holding protests against the extension of the terms of top military officers.

Security and military forces have since reinforced their measures in downtown Beirut and at other state institutions ahead of the demonstrations, reported al-Joumhouria newspaper on Wednesday.

Internal Security Forces chief Major General Ibrahim Basbous told the daily: “The measures are very normal and they are the same ones taken during any extraordinary development.”

“They aim to preserve the institutions,” he added.

“Our measures are primarily aimed at protecting the demonstrators and we therefore cannot separate our presence from that of the army,” he continued.

Military sources meanwhile told the daily that the army “will not stand as an obstacle against any peaceful and democratic movement.”

“It will not be lured into a confrontation, but it will protect the protestors,” they emphasized.

“It is its duty to protect the demonstrators despite the assaults against it,” they said in reference to scuffles that broke out between the army and FPM protestors the last time they held a rally.

They had rallied on July 9 demanding the “restoration of Christian rights.”

The demonstration was staged at the same time as a cabinet session at the Grand Serail in downtown Beirut and the protesters had scuffled with the soldiers protecting the building as they attempted to approach it.

On Thursday, Defense Minister Samir Moqbel extended the the terms of the army commander, chief of staff and the head of the Higher Defense Council despite months of objections by the FPM, which rejects the extension of the tenures of high-ranking military and security officials.

Wednesday's demonstrations are expected to be held in the afternoon with motorized protests reportedly kicking off at the Mirna Chalouhi Center on the Sin el-Fil-Jdeideh boulevard, the public garden in Jbeil, La Cite in Jounieh, the FPM offices in Baabda, Sassine Square in Ashrafieh, Batrouniyat restaurant in Batroun and the North Metn bureau of the FPM in Nahr al-Mot.



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