
Arrests as Security Forces Carry Out Sidon Raids following Asir Confessions

Security forces carried out a number of raids in the southern city of Sidon in the wake of confessions of detained Salafist cleric Sheikh Ahmad al-Asir, reported the National News Agency on Sunday.

It said that a unit from the General Security intelligence branch raided at noon the area of Sirob east of Sidon following the confessions.

The sweep targeted a car repair shop belonging to a Lebanese supporter of Asir, it clarified.

Locals revealed that the owner was not seen in the area ever since news of Asir's arrest broke out.

NNA said that the security forces are seeking to arrest as many of the cleric's accomplices as possible before they flee in anticipation of his confessions in detention.

MTV reported that he had named several of his accomplices during his interrogation.

Later on Sunday, LBCI television said the General Security arrested a man in the Sidon suburb of Jadra.

“A General Security force raided an apartment in Jadra belonging to Abdul Rahman al-Shami, following confessions by al-Asir,” LBCI said.

“It also raided his shop in Sidon, where his son, Mutassem Billah, was arrested,” LBCI added.

It said the father went into hiding “the moment news broke about al-Asir's arrest.”

“He is suspected of having offered him (al-Asir) refuge and help,” the TV network added.

Asir was arrested at Beirut's Rafik Hariri International Airport on Saturday as he attempted to leave the country to Nigeria through Egypt.

The firebrand anti-Hizbullah cleric is wanted for his involvement in the clashes against the army in the Sidon's Abra area in 2013.

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