
Israeli Official Says Iran Trying to Transfer State-of the-Art Arms to Hizbullah

Iran is seeking to transfer state-of the-art weaponry from storehouses in Syria to Hizbullah, the Israeli Foreign Ministry director-general Dore Gold told The Jerusalem Post from Berlin.

The weapons include the SA-22 (Pantsir- S1) air defense system and the Y‑akhont anti-ship cruise missile, said Gold, who is on his first trip to a European capital for high-level talks.

He told the Jerusalem Post that he explained to German officials how the regional situation has become more complicated as a result of the nuclear deal signed last month between major powers and Iran.

According to Gold, Iran has made efforts to transfer arms to Hizbullah, amid attempts over the last six months to set up a Hizbullah front against Israel in the Golan Heights.

If this type of activity has been going on for the last six months, Gold asked, “then what happens when the sanctions on Iran are lifted, and they get a cash bonus of up to $150 billion?”

He answered: “Iran will then be equipped to radically increase its destabilizing activities along Israel’s borders.”

After the deal was signed by Iran and six global powers in Vienna, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's government has been furiously lobbying U.S. lawmakers, holding out hope Congress will vote against it by a strong enough margin to override any presidential veto.



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