
U.N. Urges Political Accountability towards Lebanese, Backs Salam's Efforts to Promote Consensus

U.N. Special Coordinator for Lebanon Sigrid Kaag expressed on Monday strong support for Prime Minister Tammam Salam's efforts to promote consensus but stressed the need for political accountability of the country's leaders towards their citizens.

Kaag noted in a statement “recent citizens’ protests and rightful, public demands for basic services and the effective functioning of government.”

She underscored “the importance of protecting the rights of citizens to peacefully express their wishes and demands. But expressed “serious concern” over “violence and destruction of public property by some elements” following Sunday's demonstration in downtown Beirut.

“Lebanon’s leaders must act in the national interest, especially at this critical time,” she said. Lebanon cannot afford further stagnation or continued domestic political crisis, harming the economy, undermining the level of basic services and ultimately eroding the country's stability and security.

The diplomat underlined the importance of effective and urgent decision-making by the government and reaffirmed that the U.N. and the international community remain strongly supportive of Lebanon’s stability.

She also said that the world body backs “all efforts to ensure strong, effective state institutions to meet the needs of the Lebanese people.”

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