
Qassem Tells Pro-Suleiman Minister Appointments Key to Agreeing on Govt. Mechanism

Hizbullah deputy chief Sheikh Naim Qassem held talks Monday at his office with Sports and Youth Minister Abdul Mutalleb Hennawi, who is close to former President Michel Suleiman.

“The normal course for resolving the dispute over the cabinet's work mechanism would be addressing the root of the problem, which is the military appointments,” said Qassem during the meeting.

“Political solutions are not possible in the region in the current period and waiting for them would lead to further damage. Officials must have the courage and responsibility to find solutions instead of wasting time and neglecting people's affairs,” Hizbullah number two added.

Last week, An Nahar daily reported that the approval of a proposal made by Agriculture Minister Akram Shehayyeb to resolve the country's waste crisis was facing a condition set by several parties on the promotion of army officers.

The newspaper said that Shehayyeb's proposal requires a cabinet session. But the Free Patriotic Movement, Hizbullah and the Tashnag Party have conditioned the activation of the government's work to the approval of the promotion of around 12 officers from brigadier-general to the rank of major-general.

Such a move leaves Commando Regiment chief Brig. Gen. Chamel Roukoz in the military for another year.

Roukoz is the son-in-law of FPM leader MP Michel Aoun, who wants him to become military commander.

Prime Minister Tammam Salam has been procrastinating on calling for a cabinet session over lack of consensus among the rival parties on several controversial issues, including the waste management plan and the cabinet's decision-taking mechanism in the absence of a president.


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