
Lebanon Expresses Reservations on Islamic Summit Statement over Hizbullah

Lebanon has expressed reservations to labeling Hizbullah a terrorist organization in the final statement that is expected to be issued by around 30 heads of state and government from Islamic countries gathering in Istanbul.

As Safir daily said Thursday that Algeria, Iran and Indonesia backed Lebanon while Iraq's representative at the summit of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) said he will review his leadership to take the appropriate stance.

Their stance were made during a preparatory meeting held before the summit gets underway on Thursday morning.

Prime Minister Tammam Salam traveled to Istanbul on Wednesday to take part in the two-day summit. He is expected to deliver Lebanon's speech on Thursday afternoon.

The summit's closing statement will also welcome “dialogue among different Lebanese politicians” and urge OIC member states to support the Lebanese army and security forces to help them confront terrorist organizations and preserve Lebanon's stability and civil peace.

Last month, the Saudi-led Gulf Cooperation Council labeled Hizbullah a terrorist organization after Riyadh halted $4 billion of aid to the Lebanese army and security forces.

The Arab League also blacklisted Hizbullah after coming under Saudi pressure over the party's role in Syria.

Key guests at the OIC meeting will include Saudi King Salman and Iranian President Hassan Rouhani, a strong backer of Hizbullah.

The two countries are locked on opposing sides in the Syria and Yemen conflicts.

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