
No Imminent Solution for State Security

Christian cabinet ministers have given their consent to provide the controversial State Security agency with some of the funding it needs to allow it to function properly despite pessimism expressed by Economy Minister Alain Hakim on a possible solution.

An Nahar daily said on Wednesday that the Christian ministers are in favor of giving some appropriations to the security apparatus, which has been even lacking papers, photocopy machines and maintenance for its office work to function properly.

The cabinet tasked on Monday Prime Minister Tammam Salam with resolving the matter after the bickering parties failed to reach a solution on the appropriation of funds and on resolving the power-sharing dispute between State Security’s director-general, a Catholic, and his deputy, who is a Shiite.

The Christian ministers claim that the State Security is being deliberately marginalized.

But according to An Nahar, some parties are not heeding the demands of the Christian ministers and instead are in favor of appeasing Speaker Nabih Berri who wants to replace Director-General Maj. Gen. George Qaraa and his deputy Brig. Gen. Mohammed al-Tufaili.

Salam also seems to be procrastinating on resolving the issue pending the retirement of al-Tufaili next month.

But Hakim, one of the ministers strongly pushing for a solution, expressed his resentment on the way officials are dealing with the matter.

The Lebanese Forces, Kataeb Party, Free Patriotic Movement and Minister Michel Pharaon will pursue the issue until their demands are met, vowed Hakim in remarks published in al-Joumhouria.

He said the political disputes, which have erupted lately among different factions, are the result of “the failure to elect a new president and the shielding of the ticking bomb of Syrian refugees.”

The bomb will one day explode and cause huge economic, trade, security and social problems, added Hakim.



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