The Internal Security Forces Intelligence Branch detained a man on Wednesday after stealing money from the donation box of a church in Ashrafiyeh.
The 69-year-old man identified by his initials as N.Z. had stolen a certain amount of a cash from the box of the church located at the Hotel Dieu hospital.
The news came after the ISF said in a communiqué that three men arrested for robbing and vandalizing the Greek Orthodox archdiocese in Ashrafiyeh confessed to their crime.
After intensive efforts, ISF discovered the addresses of two of the suspects. Police officers raided their houses in Hadath and Ras al-Nabaa and confiscated large amounts of money and stolen items including things robbed from the archdiocese.
Following investigations with both suspects, one of them revealed the identity of the third suspect, who was also arrested at his home in Ashrafiyeh, the ISF said.
The three suspects admitted to having robbed the church as well as other shops in Beirut and Mount Lebanon, and a number of houses, the ISF added.
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