
Rebel Army Chief Accuses Hizbullah of Sending 'Mercenaries' to Syria

Free Syrian Army chief Riad al-Asaad on Thursday claimed President Bashar al-Assad’s regime was now counting on "mercenaries" sent by Lebanon's Hizbullah and Iraq's anti-U.S. Shiite cleric Moqtada Sadr.

In a telephone interview with Agence France Presse, Asaad also called for foreign air strikes on "strategic targets" in Syria to speed up the fall of the regime.

Hizbullah has repeatedly denied reports accusing the party of involvement in Syria’s unrest.

“Hizbullah has already released several statements denying the accusations launched by some Syrian dissidents and some other parties about Hizbullah’s involvement in the events taking place in Syria, and its statements had always stressed its keenness on Syria and its leadership, people and institutions and its wishes as to reaching solutions that meet the aspirations of all Syrians regarding reform and stability,” the party said in a statement in August.

“Hizbullah’s response to the claims circulated by these dissidents stems from its keenness on clarifying the picture and preventing the Arab and international public opinion from being misled by some individuals who are seeking to gain the support of the international conspiracy against the forces of resistance and defiance in the region in order to achieve their own, narrow-minded goals at the expense of the Syrian people’s blood,” the party added.

Source: Agence France Presse

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