
Jumblat to Support Karami for Premiership: Naming Hariri Will Lead to Catastrophic Results

Naharnet has learned that Progressive Socialist Party leader MP Walid Jumblat has informed concerned officials in the Mustqbal movement that he is being subject to great pressures against naming Caretaker Prime Minister Saad Hariri as the premier of a new government, knowing that he had previously informed Hariri that he would be naming him.

Jumblat did not elaborate on the reasons for his new position.

However, he did inform his circles that the policy of insisting on Hariri as the new prime minister will lead to “catastrophic consequences” on the security field, on him personally, PSP members, and the Druze in the Shouf, Alley, Hasbaya, and the western Bekaa.

Jumblat added that matters “have become greater than him and his ability to maintain the middle ground in a harsh battle in which Hariri’s regional and international backers only resort to statements, while his opponents turn to all manners of military and popular pressure.”

The MP revealed that he has now been forced to name former PM Omar Karami as the new prime minister and that he will place the PSP MPs before their responsibilities, adding that he has not given them a choice to name a prime minister and everyone should be held accountable for their actions should they not take his advice.

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