Labor Minister Sejaan Qazzi presented on Monday the first detailed project and mechanism for the return of displaced Syrians back to their homeland, as he warned of changes to the Lebanese entity shall the refugees remain in Lebanon.
“The national identity is subject to change and the Lebanese entity is in danger and the return of Syrians to Syria is necessary,” stressed Qazzi in a televised appearance.
Pointing to the U.N. General Assembly meeting in New York that will address the issue of refugees and migrants, Qazzi said: “The Labor Ministry is not interested in any decision taken today in New York on the subject of Syrian refugees outside the framework of their return to their country.”
“If the return of Palestinians to Palestine is a right, then the return of Syrians to Syria is a duty,” he emphasized.
“The next phase is entitled 'Syria for the Syrians and the Syrians to Syria.' We announce a comprehensive and detailed program starting in January 2017 where the implementation will be gradual and over two years,” he concluded.
He stressed “the need to secure financial budget from the Arab and donor countries to cover the project expenses.”
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