
Geagea: If Hizbullah Has Any Credibility, it Would Recognize STL

Lebanese Forces leader Samir Geagea praised on Wednesday Prime Minister Najib Miqati’s funding of the Special Tribunal for Lebanon, saying that Hizbullah and its allies can no longer claim that it is an American-Israeli product.

He said before reporters in Maarab: “If Hizbullah has any credibility, then it should recognize the tribunal.”

He also stressed that the party should also capture the four suspects, accused by the tribunal of being involved in the assassination of former Premier Rafik Hariri, in order to further demonstrate its credibility.

In addition, Geagea attributed the decision to fund the tribunal to political reasons, renewing his call on the government to resign.

Miqati announced that he had transferred Lebanon’s share of the STL funding on Wednesday morning.

“My insistence on funding the STL emanates from my keenness on protecting Lebanon, the people, the army and the resistance,” he said from the Grand Serail.

Lebanon is obligated to fund 49 percent of the tribunal budget, which amounts to some $33 million.

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